Saturday, June 15, 2013

Art of Approaching Women man on the planet should know  how to approach women or girls. If you don't, you are missing out on the first step for finding the girl of your dreams and maybe your mate for life. The way you approach a girl can make or break the your chances of having a date or simply just buying her a drink. Hopefully I'll give you an idea or two on how to approach that certain someone special. I've had 20+ years on the dating scene, not to mention a great marriage to a beautiful woman. Yes we are still married  after 19 years.

I'm no Romeo or Brad Pitt or what ever, but I know how to play the game. And it is a game. I've seen guys fail and succeed. It all comes down to the way the game is played. And if you get married and have kids you still have to play the game. It's kinda like working out with weights, when you stop....the results stop!  Same thing. I am convinced that is why 80 percent of marriages fail, the game stops. My game stopped after 6 years of marriage and divorced was filed at the big number 7. I did get back in before it was final and never looked back. I got back into the game.

Enough of that, let's see how to approach a woman and/or girl -

Ok, Girls are used to getting approached, fact. Picture every other guy in the bar "If that's the case" as white horses"  You have to become the one and only black horse in the crowd. You must stand out. I've had 10 times more luck in "Bars" if I did not drink alcohol. I would drink water and chew gum. Sounds kinda dumb, but it put me in the right mind set. Give it a try.

Here's a few short tips on approaching women. Remember guys, they're not monsters...they won't hurt you. "Well some will!"

First - Be confident when you approach them. But not too cocky!  They can sense fear.

Second - Try to make good eye contact, but don't stare them down.  (And their Blouse is not their eyes!))

Third - Smile. Girls can't resist a great smile and it gives off positive energy. If you don't have a great smile, smile with your mouth shut, but smile- A lot

Approaching women is not hard when you know what to do. Article Source:

Approaching Girls

In dating, it is extremely significant to be able to approach girls. Once you learn ways to approach girls you may start setting up as many dates as you desire. You will have more choices in the type of girl you'd like to get to know better. Learning the best approach can open up new worlds of possibilities, as you will be more confident and you will act more natural with girls around.

Before you approach: start with, you have to realize that all suggestions, including dating guides, are only tools to help you improve your daring skills. The significant thing is that you have to go out and practice.This is a skill that must be polished and refined as you get experience. Doing this for the first time may make you look silly and you might be rejected but this is fine. It's all part of the process. This may sound uncomfortable but there are ways to educate your mind to make these learning processes simpler.

How can we make the sting of rejection less painful? We know that our life will be filled with let downs and disappointment at times. You simply can't anything too seriously. If you've been rejected, simply have yourself think that you didn't end up with her who does not value you truly. Luckily, there are just a few girls that have said mindset, as most are friendly and appealing as well.

Ways to Approach Girls - 2 Schools of thought

One good method is through indirect approach, by which you may start a conversation without feeling nervous. To begin this, you should think up of a suitable topic, be it current issues or something which interests you (and her too) to talk about with. This will give her the impression of you being a friendly, social guy. Injecting some humor during these conversations could be useful also, so ensure that you do that also.

The direct approach seems more dangerous but I personally use it more often than the indirect method now. The direct approach conveys more confidence because you cut to the chase without anything to hide your personality behind. You may open with "Hello, I'm _____." Another example of a direct strategy could be "Hi, I saw you and just had to meet you. I am _____." Then simply flow into conversation. Being direct can spark attraction immediately as most guys are too shy or simply flat out sound desperate when they begin the conversation.

These are just a few things to consider when meeting a girl. There are no tools that can magically make them instantly attracted to you. You need to get to the point where you can talk to her naturally. I hope this advise on approaching girls will encourage you to get out there and begin some conversations,article Source: 

how to approach a female

Have you failed many times when it comes to approach women. Have you ever wonder why women said no? Is it because you are not good looking and wealthy? Many failed because they don't know the correct way to approach a lady. This article should show you how to successfully approach a woman for the first time. man who is too afraid to approach a female is usually getting nervous and anxiety easily which will make the situation even worse. If you become excited when approach a woman you could look valueless compared to a guy who has the confidence. So self confidence is the real key to success with women but if you are losing your esteem you should change yourself to become more confidence. But how could you do that? Change your mindset is the only way.

Women won't bite you so there is no reason to be nervous. Overcome your mindset, repeat the phrase "I am the most handsome man in the world" to yourself daily, until your sub-conscious mind started to believe it and confidence will slowly grow in you. I am not trying to offend you what I am telling you is true. I have tried it and it works. If you don't believe it then you are truly not qualify to make a woman appreciates you.

If you want to become successful with women you need to change yourself. Never expect a woman comes to you all of sudden and ask for your phone number that's no such thing because women are not action taker, they wait for someone come to them instead. So change your habit and be positive to yourself, every thing is function by your brain and not how well educated you are.Article Source:

Ways to Approach a Woman's a single man's nightmare - finding a woman that you are interested in, only to be foiled by a group of her friends! Every man wants to know the secret behind expressing your intrigue with one specific woman while she is surrounded by a crowd of others. Have no fear. There are five very simple Ways to Approach a Woman and to let that special woman know how you feel without offending the other girls around her.

1. Address the Whole Group - The whole purpose for women going out in groups is for protection from men who don't have the know-how and confidence to be able to break through their intimidating barrier. They don't want to be lonely when they go to clubs and other social settings, and they don't want to have to fend off unworthy men all on their own. Therefore, when you see someone in that group that piques your interest, you should build up your confidence and address them as a whole first.

2. Humor is the Key - Using humor to infiltrate the group is the best way to get your foot in the door. Being able to smile and tell a joke is a talent that you'll want to hone if you are going to succeed at this dating challenge. Once you approach and deliver your initial humorous opener, watch carefully. Direct your next sentence to the woman who is smiling openly at you and politely laughing. She is your "in". As long as one of the group, is encouraging you, the others won't be as quick to write you off.

3. If Possible, Bring a Partner - Things will be much easier for you if you can convince a friend to be your wing-man. It isn't impossible to approach a group of women alone, but a friend helps in a number of ways. He can divert the attention of the group to himself while you work on isolating the object of your interest. You will need to school your friend on the art of telling the "negative/positive story" about you. The "negative/positive story" sounds like a good-natured teasing insult to you, but it is actually a story that will cause the women in the group to look at you in a brighter light. For example, your buddy might say something like this:

"Please, ladies, don't say anything nice to this guy over here. He's liable to fall in love. I swear, this dude is the corniest guy I know! Seriously, two years ago, this was the man who literally threw rocks at his girlfriend's window and serenaded her just because it was Wednesday! Give me a break!"

4. Detect the Leader of the Group - By being attentive and watching their interaction between each other, you will be able to find out who the leader of the group is. You will need to get this woman on your side, or else your efforts to isolate the one that you would like to pursue further will be ten times as difficult. Confide in her. Tell her an amusing story about yourself. Once you get her smiling, you're halfway there!

5. Let the Object of Your Intentions Know Who She Is - You don't want to make the other women of the group feel inadequate or self-conscious, so your advances towards the woman that you are focused on must be subtle. Once you've addressed the group, confided in the leader, and told a few jokes, start to make eye-contact with her. Touch her arm when you talk. Whenever you speak to the group, end your sentences by glancing over, letting your eyes linger on hers, and smiling at her often. Before you leave the group, be sure to give her your business card and ask her for her information. Asking for an email address is a little less invasive than a phone number, so start there.

Approaching the pack isn't as hard as you may have once thought it was. Understanding the reasons behind women choosing to go out in groups and being able to work the group dynamics will make approaching your special lady as easy as pie. Once you've mastered these five steps, you'll be a pick-up pro in no time. article Source: ReviewTheTaoofBadass was written by Joshua Pellicer.  Joshua Pellicer isn’t a household name like many of the other self-proclaimed dating gurus out there.  Joshua is a real person, featured on a variety of television programs and hosting his own satellite radio show on dating tips.

TheTaoofBadass Guide is a series of informational tools and videos designed primarily to get men to change their mindset about women and to understand what women are really attracted to. It’s a long series of informational sets designed to ensure that you have an idea of what it takes to meet women, including information such as:

What mistakes men make with women.
What attitude you need to have when you approach a girl.
How to get a girl to approach you.
How to keep the conversation going.
How to show attractive body language.
How to recognize female body language.
When to walk away.

You also learn a variety of tools and tricks for meeting girls in a variety of situations. It’s got a solid amount of information, which does help explain why it’s become such a popular choice for guys that need help with women. It also comes with a variety of extra information, as well as a subscription option to get continuous dating tips and updates over the course of several months.

TheTaoofBadass has a wealth of information, along with the subscription option and bonus guides that have made  TheTaoOfBadass so popular.

Benefits of TheTaoofBadass

Easy to Understand Information
The key benefit is the way the information is presented. Its video/book combination makes it far more valuable to most guys than the traditional “here’s a book, read it” style of presenting dating tips and advice that other guides use. Everything that Joshua Pellicer presents is set out in a very straight forward, easy to grasp manner, and the videos make it much, much easier to absorb and remember the information.

The bonuses are about some great topics. TheTaoofBadass has additional guides that are genuinely helpful, such as “Monogamy vs. Polyamory” which is about how to decide when to date one girl and when to date multiple girls. There are four bonus guides in all along with the Tao of Badass, which gives you much more value for your money.

Extra Content/Coaching
TheTaoOfBadass is' nt some one-off dating guide. There is a monthly subscription service that allows you to get continued access to information on how to date girls, what women like, etc. Each week is a different topic, including a video and a lesson plan and an audio interview with Pellicer and other dating experts.

The Tao of Badass has one of those prices that at first glance you think “there’s no way it’s worth that much.” But if you compare the cost of TheTaoofBadass program to other guides, especially guides without videos, you see why the Tao of Badass is affordable overall. While it would be nice if the guide was less expensive, the reality of the market is that the guide is competitively priced overall, making it a better value than it appears.

Weaknesses of  TheTaoofBadass

Won’t Work for All Girls
TheTaoofBadass may be a useful guide for meeting girls, but it won’t help you with every girl. This is' nt the guide to find the next love of your life. The strategies are not going to work as effectively on the shy barista working at your local coffee shop or the cute Korean exchange student that sits next to you in one of your college classes. It’s better for attractive outgoing girls – the types of girls that are used to guys hitting on them and want a guy they feel they don’t deserve. This type of strategy may not work if you’re trying to find the next love of your life, but it is much more likely to work if you want to find the next love of your night.

Takes a Long Time to Get Through
TheTaoofBadass is for the guy that’s really committed to being better at meeting girls, because the program is very long. This makes sense, since learning to meet girls is not a five minute process. The book itself isn’t a long read, but the additional guides and videos all add up to make the Tao of Badass generally longer than some of the other dating guides in the industry.

Not Enough Mind Training Exercises
Much of meeting girls is about a mindset – a mindset that Joshua Pellicer describes and explains well. But for a lot of guys, changing a mindset they’ve had their entire life involves more than a book. You really have to take a lot of time learning to think differently about yourself and about women before that mindset will change. It would have been helpful if Pellicer included a workbook or some type of additional training material to help others understand how to adopt the right mindset for meeting girls.

Practice is Still Needed
Finally, there’s an issue with all dating guides that you need to remember. A guide can only do so much. You still need to get out there, and in the beginning – even if you follow TheTaoofBadass tips to the letter – you’re still going to strike out a few times, feel nervous, and make mistakes. Many guys forget this, and think that just because they read the guide they’re going to be aces with women the first time they step foot in the bar. Practice makes perfect, and it’ll take some time putting the tips into action before it’s going to work.

There is a lot of hype behind TheTaoofBadass, which is why so many people are seeking an unbiased review in order to get an idea of whether or not it’s worth the purchase. The question is: Does it live up to the hype?

The answer; TheTaoofBadass is worth your purchase if you haven’t yet bought a dating guide before and you’re interested in finding out what’s inside. The bonuses are a nice touch and the videos make it easy to understand in a way that few other guides manage.

The main criticism of TheTaoofBadass is that it’s not necessarily enough. That is to say – depending on what your goals are (getting laid versus getting a girlfriend) and where you are now in your dating life, you may need something more. Most people don’t like the idea that they may have to purchase another guide in the future.  There’s a chance that you may want to get supplementary guides or information to continue becoming a champ with women.

Still, TheTaoofBadass does appear to be useful for a lot of guys. While it’s hard to say that it lives up to the hype, it’s still a worthwhile purchase for guys that are looking for dating help.

Click here to purchase the TheTaoofBadass.

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